For example, you can sometimes get strategic information from making port reports in Grater's Morn. Before starting an online business there are some items to remember: Sunless sea how to make money. 2. If you wrote a testament, it's possible to give things to your next captain. Use the money you got from the treasure to fund your exploration of the Sunless Sea. Sell the Linen in London for 60 or Carnelian for 63. Last edited by Morse ; Oct 1, 2016 @ 4:32am. *SAY = Something Awaits You. Basically, it's good in an emergency and bad at any other time. Is there any really good way to get thousands of echoes without spending a million years grinding? I'm about mid-game, default ship, decent gun/engine, discovered pretty much all islands, haven't gotten to surface,. But having 50/75 Pages at the start while exploring the map is great to make more secrets and boost your other stats. There doesn't seem to be any reliable way to make money in this game, and in my current playthrough I've hemmoraged through my savings on fuel. Many improvements to Sunless Sea. 2) Hunt the Pirate Poet. Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. The money are a struggle for me. Also if your not to far in yet transporting stuff for the salt lions is a good way to make money for a bitWant even more money? Try the coffee run to the surface! Guaranteed profits! (If you don't mess it up. It should net a profit though, at least if you're doing other things to make money along the way. For example, you can sometimes get strategic information from making port reports in Grater's Morn. Rinse and repeat. Sunless Sea is a challenging game (that's how we like it!) but we're interested to hear from the modding community. Save. An explorer can hardly make much money, but on the other hand they can evolve to trader or even a monster-hunter. But I need more money so I can have enough for better engines. And it is Visage in the south, sometimes south east. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Thanks!A hybrid, like 2015's Sunless Sea, of top-down steampunk naval sim and choose-your-own-adventure storytelling, Skies takes you everywhere from an asteroid circus to the howling corona of a. Selling sunlight. Engines make a difference (as does ship weight) but you need the high end ones to really see it significantly. Then go to the Avid Horizon, and use your Beginner’s Luck option to find the Eyeless Skull. Say the Godfall wine run. Character Creation 3. Online. Copy the code block containing that reference ID number. Selling mushroom wine brings 2 echoes profit per cask, it's not much but it can add up. There are a few trade routes that are decent, but it is not the way to really make money, especially in the beginning. More than anything, the genre of Sunless Sea is Interactive Fiction. Those who eventually make enough money can buy a trading vessel who can make big echoes that way. I've heard the point is exploring and stories but that's not possible if you run out of fuel and die at. Not a big deal. *two engine power = -2 fuel, -2 supply, -3 terror, time for voyage is 2 minutes, 39 seconds. Cheat in. ). Wealth is a seemingly impossible thing to acquire in the Unterzee, but once you explore you will find more than enough opportunities to make you rich. PotatoEngineer. . Each phase is separated from the other (except for the Blind Bruiser) and can. Most people here, myself included, like it (to various degrees of the definition) for what it is, but what it is - is not a game, in the proper sense of the word. The simplest (cheatiest) solution is to edit the save file to give yourself loads of money. I completely forgot how the game should be played and squandered the last 35 echos on pointless trips trying to remember which island was which. Do not bring that to London, bring it to Ireme, where they trade Coffee for Parabola Linen. Nomad Take the treasure you've earned to the scholar and turn it in. I travailed through the (fairly complex and difficult) storyline. Open with Notepad. Go to all the ports, get port reports and deliver them to the admirality. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1. *two engine power while pushing full power to engines = -5 fuel, -1 supply, -2. You may be surprised how easy it is. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Thanks!Make sure to unequip the deck weapon. The. You need at least an Elegant. There are a few trade routes that are decent, but it is not the way to really make money, especially in the beginning. I've just done a few missions for the blind and the admiral, a few side quests. With at least 20 free slots in your hold, 200 Echoes and enough fuel and supplies for the. So if you want to do anything, you need supplementary income, so you have to grind - and you have to know what you're going to grind to make the extra echoes. Today's changes will also enable us to add DLC to Sunless Sea beyond new stories. Poke of deatH Jul 1, 2014 @ 9:36pm. The main perk of the constant companions is the ability to very swiftly gain points to all skills. Small crew so low supply costs. Got to the Penultimate chamber and saw nothing about finding his secrets. Buy 90 Darkdrop Coffee. Visage is a good place to farm money in. SO I went a bit further in but found nothing still. Coffee, when purchased at the Carnelian Coast, is 38 echos. ago. Ellixer Mar 15, 2020 @ 9:44am. Firkin can be sold to the Brass Embassy for 999 echoes if you do the Deviless's quest in Mt. Only thing you can do is sell the crate of souls somewhere. You need starting capital and lots of space. ShiwaTheDrink Nov 2, 2018 @ 9:06pm. If you can't find it, just ask your OS to search for the file named "Autosave. . Since a lot of opportunities are once in a (captain)lifetime, you will have to die for some of them, and you'll want to die for others. Share. So if you want to do anything, you need supplementary income, so you have to grind - and you have to know what you're going to grind to make the extra echoes. From a metagame perspective, being able to spam 30% more speed will make you X money 30% faster (not accounting for a constant T time in port doing the necessities). It’s about atmosphere, mystery, and discovery. Sunless Sea is a game of discovery, loneliness and frequent death, set in the award-winning Victorian Gothic universe of Fallen London. Note that it might spoil you some of the fun of discovering the game on your own. Most of the guides I’ve seen deal with early game strategies, but I’m looking for ways to make money post-Salt Lions deliveries and which preferably aren’t one-time or limited like Venturer quests and the Principles of Coral. This also you will need plenty of cargo space and money and should not be attempted until later in the game. Sunless Sea. The echoes you can earn by running certain routes may be a neat bonus income, if you are already going in that direction, but should not be your main goal. Some advice if you do this, don't do it when your frustrated and give yourself 900,000 echos, takes a bit of fun out of the game. Probably can file this under an exploit, but it requires 0 cargo space to make money. The Dwarves. the-truthseeker Jan 30, 2016 @ 10:58pm. If you like the story parts of Sunless Sea, Fallen London is basically exactly that times 1000. I can only give you the same advice the game gives you: Take risks, travel further than feel is comfortably safe. Make sure you have an Ironclad Will, of course. There are 5 main attributes and 5 paths to choose from, each providing a boost and a background. First for SAY events, second for port report, Lions for a quest to earn a lot of money. Sunless Sea consistently pushes you to explore farther, to risk more, and make bolder gambles. With at least 20 free slots in your hold, 200. This guide is intended for persons who want to get out as fast as possible of the tedious early game phase where you struggle with money. The player plays a sea captain who sails (called 'zailing' in the game) the Unterzee. ) 4. Now select the two legacies that give you 50% of the previous captain's money, and you get all the captain's money and the house and the heirloom. You can really keep doing this until you max out on heirlooms. BlackWater Apr 26, 2015 @ 9:36am. The majority of challenges with a hearts option are about fear or constitution as the description of the stat will tell you. Most money-making guides either are very outdated, or only give 300-500 echoes profit, most of which I'll probably blow on fuel anyways. Visage gives I believe 1000 echoes. It works like a steamship, with a rudder for steering and an engine telegraph to control speed. It's actually pretty straigh. It's not my place to say whether it's "fun" to easily make millions of echoes, i'm simply here to tell you how to if you want to. If anyone needs the specific versions, please send me a PM and I'll make a release for it, otherwise I'll only make a macOS/Linux release when Save Editor reaches v1. Take it and a judgement's egg (these can be bought from Irem, and maybe get a longbox while you're there) to the Iron Republic to awaken it. This is pretty frustrating. Go south and stick to the coast- you will find the Cumean Canal, the waterway which connects the Sunless Sea to the. Without We Are Clay, more-than-half-crew lies right in the middle of the nearest sweet spot. Hi, After playing a couple of captains, I understood some game mecanics, and now I m really careful. ago. As you will have found, if you've had a poke around, everything in the game outside of the story (which uses our StoryNexus engine) is hand-crafted in a series of json files. Hello everyone, i made a simple mod for those people how think the game is too hard, this mod makes things a little bit easier for those seeking a more easy run, but without taking out too much challenge of the game this is what this mod changes: * ship movespeed incressed by 20% * Fuel and Food consumption decressed by 40% *. Doing so and submitting the Intelligence will open some more money-making possibilities for you. Start a new captain and learn from your mistake. Buy the merchant cruiser. Both don't require a large hold and are quite profitable. Let's Play Sunless Sea because it's now in 1. The first one the guy in Vender ight will take, the rest can be sold at Khan's Shadow for 500 echoes apiece. Do not attempt to buy cargo from *regular shops* to sell. This is pretty frustrating. . Normally Full Power doubles fuel consumption, on the Impeller it effectively quadruples it. I may warn you, the following ways of making money contains spoilers of the game and since SS is more a game of exploration as a game of making money you might want to. 0 Pearl Release! This Sunless Sea tutorial and walkthrough is all about usi. VermillionOcean Jun 28, 2015 @ 9:29pm. En Sunless Sea, character creation is a simple process, which draws heavily from Fallen London. #1. Explore more supported games. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. The money are a struggle for me. Prioritize fuel and supplies first. But next game, use the scion to keep the momento mori and keep half your money. Small crew so low supply costs. I went to frostfound and entered. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process. The citizens are in constant motion, working to survive and appease the Fair King, who sits deep within the city on his wheeled throne. . 60 minus 38 is 22. You can try your luck making a port run loop to make cash and do your best to avoid any combat situation. Right now I made it back to London but I've only got 2 fuel left and no cash to. It will repair 5 points of Hull per Supply consumed. There are a number of reasons. Supplies will come to you in the form of bat swarms. macOS/Linux version support is possible, however quite tiresome to make. 1. It actually got me killed, when I ran out of fuel when almost at london harbor (no supplies, even the gods weren't. Im still not sure how to make enough money to even upgrade anything, most ive made is 200 before dying, seems like every trade route eats up all its profit in fuel and food every time. UR|Dialetheia Feb 12, 2015 @ 4:27am. DIE. You play a sea-captain in command of a small steamship; you start in your home base of Fallen London with no map information beyond a few directional clues the starting events give you (“Frostfound is to the north” and so on”), and your career is spent charting the. I've found two good ways to make money off this: — (Zub only) Buy Drowning Pearls for 30 each at Dahut. Normally if you die in Sunless Sea, you'll lose virtually everything you accrued over the course of the game. I may warn you, the following ways of making money contains spoilers of the game and since SS is more a game of exploration as a game of making money you might want to skip. But I need more money so I can have enough for better engines. Hitting pirate ships can gather a little fuel and supplies. Taking it to the surface is a good bet, or the more complicated but still more profitable run of: Taking mushroom wine to the apes and exchanging it for coffee. A lot of monsters can drop supplies too. Sunless Sea Is One Of The Most Brutal Roguelikes On PS4. Cheap fuel at Mount Palmerson, free fuel from port reports, and having WE ARE CLAY reduce my supplies usage means I can go out there on quite a small budget, last trip I. EAT YOUR CREW. Either let a monster ram into your boat and kill a bunch off or find a story option that uses up/risks crew. How do I make more money than fuel and provisions cost me so I can do anything useful? I'm already trying every source possible for ressources but it seems never enough. Deliver coffee to the Café Ferstel in Vienna 5. You must maintain a sturdy vessel to be successful in this game, and that means repairing, upgrading, and preserving your ship whenever possible. Hm. But I love money. Tireless Mechanic secrets in Frost Found (spoilers) So I'm at the point in the tireless mechanic quest where I need to retrieve the secrets from frostfound. To see my full thoughts on the game, see my review . Reduces enemy detection distance. mrloree. This is your EMERGENCY MONEY. Don't start your real character yet—start another throwaway. This. It's generally best to head north towards Venderbight first. I'm 11 secrets away from 40. Do not bring that to London, bring it to Ireme, where they trade Coffee for Parabola Linen. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Thanks!Mysteries are fire. When they pay off, you come back into port full of valuable loot: the Admiralty will pay well for. Editing money works but I wasn't able to properly use cheat-engine to make my amount of fuel/supplies locked the same way you could in Sunless Sea. You must manage your. Each option is supposed to give the next character half of one of the previous character's stats in addition to the "bonus" (weapon, officer, map or cash). MAKE SURE YOU KEEP 1 FUEL, Then sell the rest of the supplies and fuel. The information below will allow ANY owner of Sunless Sea to experience ALL locked content other than the Zubmarine DLC which you must actually purchase. See full list on sunlesssea. The game, Sunless Sea, came out in 2015. Smiledozer Apr 26, 2015 @ 10:16am. DIE. But sunless sea is so slow-paced that it feels very tedious when you have to start over again. Travel to Aestival and give up 5 supplies to get the Seal of the Red Science. Yes, you can sell them for a profit, though I can't remember the optimal trade route for it. In theory, assuming you have a well lit place close to shore and in bat territory, you could remain at sea indefinitely without starving, running out of fuel, or going insane. 2 more replies. I ended up broke in London and had to trade my ship. Keep the list. See more ideas about simulation, horror card, sunless sea. Killing the captain also resets the map (if you don't pick Pages). Her mother, also a brilliant surgeon, once performed an operation on London's Echo Bazaar itself, cut out a lobe that yearned for travels and reconstructed this living part of the. If you still have much to do, it would probably be a very good idea to buy the Merchant Cruiser. While not really intended to be a trading game, with the right ship and route you can make a lot of money trading goods in the Zubmariner expansion for Sunle. The Bandersnatch is a torpedo weapon, specializing against ships, and has the highest damage † vs. Top 5% Rank by size. Sell the spare blue scintillack at Varchas for bigger profit (you can also sell normal scintillack there for 2 outlandish relics worth 200 echoes, but you can only sell 5. I've been hauling wine to Godfall for. To map it, once you leave London, make a right and follow the canal all the way to the gate. ago. Fun fact: you can also sell honey at London itself (the same place where you used to carouse the streets) for a chance of netting a Captivating Treasure off some broad; you should have no problem fully decking out your casa this way. Your ship's HP, in essence. But having 50/75 Pages at the start while exploring the map is great to make more secrets and boost your other stats. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Thanks!Wrack is an arbour of shipwrecks, where the flesh of kelp brings intoxication. The money are a struggle for me. Sunless sea being a rogue-like, death is permanent. Somehow a lot of people have a problem in making money in Sunless Sea, however making money in SS is easier as you might think. You’re gonna have to complete an ambition if you want to inherit your ship, weapon, etc. You need at least an Elegant Townhouse, as well as 200 Echoes, to write a Will. I'd argue on your first playthrough, veils are even more useful than pages though. DIE. In Sunless Sea, once you're decent at the game, you'll probably be solidly 5+ hours into a given run before you start running into actually dangerous situations and forced into making risky choices; this is because the early game is really simple and honestly not all that interesting once you're used to it. Errand-boy for the admirality? Safe trader running a route? The ill-fated and inquisitive explorer? Bravely fighting the pirates and unmentionable beasts of the unterzea?Ok I've done a lot of quests so far and have enough money to buy the cargo ship. There are 5 main attributes and 5 paths to choose from, each provides a boost and a background. I'd argue on your first playthrough, veils are even more useful than pages though. In Sunless Sea character creation is a simple process, taking much inspiration from Fallen London. 3) Get the merchant vessel. I've just done a few missions for the blind and the admiral, a few side quests. Pretty important. Honestly though you're better off never going out to a distance you're past the point of return in fuel. Now, if you want to make good money easily, smuggle sunlight to London. Travel speed is affected by the weight of your ship and the power of your engine. Errand-boy for the admirality? Safe trader running a route? The ill-fated and inquisitive explorer? Bravely fighting the pirates and unmentionable beasts of the unterzea?Let's hear em' tips and tricks on how you lot make them echoes. #2. It's the best way to pass money. Unless you're in Khan's heart or the Iron Republic. The money are a struggle for me. With my last captain, I bought the Corvette and mostly hated it: it was slow, ate fuel like the crew, who apparently were ravenous. Add a comment. ships in the game. You can get close to it. In the House of Milks, sell the food for 25 echoes each. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. . repairing your ship at sea also costs 1 supply. Stacks of 5 wine to godfall, 45 profit a stack. . the pacing is awful and ends up you have to grind the same locations to get. If you follow the options you're given to finish it up faster through the court, the stat requirements are actually quite reasonable for this. ago. Basically, it's significantly less time consuming than grinding wealth and stats on your starter captain. . Some good places to make money early on is Port Cecil (need decent pages score + you need to do further trading but it makes lots of money for a while), Curator's Quest in Venderbight and Visage. Sunless Sea has a learning curve like a brick wall: You fail, you fail, you fail, and then, suddenly, everything clicks and your next captain goes on to fame and fortune!. That'sreason why I was not backless of Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies in fact I will not buy the game because it has a very difficult English level for me. Then again, 3-4. the bonus iron and mirrors provided certainly don't make up the difference Yes, they do. zeenoob • 8 yr. Dine with Lucy to gain Stone's attention. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Thanks! เข้าสู่ระบบ ร้านค้า. Go south and stick to the coast- you will find the Cumean Canal, the waterway which connects the Sunless Sea to the mediterranean. . However, it also means you could be the first to strike gold and create a beloved mod for the community. The money are a struggle for me. Yes, you can sell them for a profit, though I can't remember the optimal trade route for it. Errand-boy for the admirality? Safe trader running a route? The ill-fated and inquisitive explorer? Bravely fighting the pirates and unmentionable beasts of the unterzea?Let's hear em' tips and tricks on how you lot make them echoes. Btw i got +-4000 so i only have the small boat. It's been awhile since I last played, but as I recall here are some ways to make money in the early-to-mid game: Empty Mirrorcatch Boxes and sunlight -- buy the box in Khan's Shadow, then go up the Cumean Canal and fill the boxes with sunlight. On your way back, stop by the Sphinx and pick up the stones. My question. However, even the Impeller in all its glory is only like 2x the speed of the. . I've just done a few missions for the blind and the admiral, a few side quests. There's one opportunity that Zubmariner added that's very exploitable, with a catch. and 5 supplies: 2 for canal + 3 to get there from London) Most recently I've found that you can make pretty good cash from transporting minerals from the Salt Lions. The money are a struggle for me. Last Tour operator is my chosen way to earn echoes. How do I make more money than fuel and provisions cost me so I can do anything useful? I'm already trying every source possible for ressources but it seems never enough. Get port reports and go around to different ports that you have not been to before, one gives a captivating treasure (1000 echos) first time you go there. 0 Pearl Release! This Sunless Sea walkthrough will show you how to make money near the beginning of the game whe. Also, you can hook up your Fallen London account to Sunless Sea which lets you download new stories and unlock small perks in Sunless Sea. I've heard the point is exploring and stories but that's not possible if you run out of fuel and die at. AegerHant: This is a follow-up to the money post I did a while back, and represents meta-gaming at its most grindy. There is no right or wrong, only your perception of it. I now have a trader ship, and you'd think having triple the cargo hold would make it easier to haul stuff around and make a profit, but if anything, income has just completely plummeted. Sunless Sea is a game of discovery, loneliness and frequent death, set in the award-winning Victorian Gothic universe of Fallen London. Getting into Sunless Sea for the first time can be rather daunting, hopefully these tips will help you get off on the right track. On a good run, I get 4 or 5 new ports ( if there are many places relatively close together). Todo Discusiones Capturas Artwork Retransmisiones Vídeos Noticias Guías Reseñas. In the early game explore. Write a Will. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Thanks!This guide may be outdated, as it was created around the time of the Carnelian update when Sunless Sea was in early access. Also pretty common you'll get silk and barrels of wine cooler which you can sell at some ports for echoes. AegerHant: This is a follow-up to the money post I did a while back, and represents meta-gaming at its most grindy. A lot of monsters can drop supplies too. Alternating between the two options after downing one ensures that you won't have to make too many repair trips while also making some money in the grind. King Banhammer Nov 8, 2016 @ 7:49pm. Introduction 2. Meet the Blind Bruiser on the dock and let him give you more supplies and fuel. I've been hauling wine to Godfall for income, but then they too started to pay less. Sunless Skies - Guide to surviving This Gothic Horror! By DESERT ORCHID 1. 2 more replies. dying gives you some money, skies is more lenient than seas when it comes to death, but you’ll lose most of your stuff unfortunately. I've just done a few missions for the blind and the admiral, a few side quests. Veils is one of the most widely used stats in the game. . In my case, my main form of income was mostly from quests/selling quest rewards and port reports. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Now, it's time for a real quick 'n' dirty tip. Once the house is full of heirlooms, sell them all and buy the mansion, then fill that up with heirlooms. Also, use the bat frequently while exploring. Coffee, when purchased at the Carnelian Coast, is 38 echos. . We would need to provide a lot of world and lore information up-front, and then work with them throughout the translation to answer questions and manage the project. But I need more money so I can have enough for better engines. Most money-making guides either are very outdated, or only give 300-500 echoes profit, most of which I'll probably blow on fuel anyways. Somehow a lot of people have a problem in making money in Sunless Sea, however making money in SS is easier as you might think. . )Most money-making guides either are very outdated, or only give 300-500 echoes profit, most of which I'll probably blow on fuel anyways. The main benefit of the faster engine isn't so much fuel, it's that you move from lighted point to lighted point. I can only give you the same advice the game gives you: Take risks, travel further than feel is comfortably safe. Hitting pirate ships can gather a little fuel and supplies. #2. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Thanks!I'd reccomend you don't kill your character to be honest. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Thanks!Early voyage tips: 1. Sunless Sea is an ambitious work that attempts to capture the sheer kinetic thrill of discovery in a bottle without the inevitable entropy of player completion depleting it, and falls well short. Sunless Sea is a game of discovery, loneliness and frequent death, set in the award-winning Victorian Gothic universe of Fallen London. A modding guide to the wonderful world of Sunless Sea modding! Fortunately and unfortunately, there's fairly few mods presentedly released. The port reports are. The money are a struggle for me. You need to learn a map, and have a couple of things. Effectively, however, you’re starting at the beginning each time, with a substandard ship and no money to speak of, and setting off once again to uncover the map (which, in proper roguelike fashion, randomises with each playthrough). Actually, the harpoon gun allows you to target crew and minimize ship. Admiralty Commision, 150. Write a Will. Alternating between the two options after downing one ensures that you won't have to make too many repair trips while also making some money in the grind. Mayby transfer your excess money to heirlooms so when you die its no big deal. 3. There's no real easy way to earn Echos beside grinding. Apparently, it's a bug caused by a change in Steam cloud saving from a month or two ago. Most money-making guides either are very outdated, or only give 300-500 echoes profit, most of which I'll probably blow on fuel anyways. Kwisatz Quakerach Mar 4, 2015 @ 11:35pm. I'd go with the Corvette, the extra 1000 isn't too hard to scrape together and the general greater utility will be worth the trade-off on speed and. The money are a struggle for me. Doing a little trade between ports you were going to visit anyway is a nice way to amass some extra wealth. Higher veils reduces the distance at which enemies are able to detect your ship. There's no real easy way to earn Echos beside grinding. I find you lose alot of money if you leave your light on to much to fuel consumption (about 80% of fuel consumption on starter engine). Sunless Sea. Their cargo hold is usually a. This series is part strategy & tactics and part Let's P. *Explore the islands around London. 3. If you watch the trailers, you see a lot of combat, a lot of sailing up to mysterious ports, but what you don’t see is what happens when you reach a. I just pick an area to visit or explore, and map a route based on how. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1. Simply pick up Clay Men at Polythreme and deliver them to Fallen London with a 20 Echoes profit per Clay Man delivered. Let's Play Sunless Sea because it's now in 1. Starting a. Let's Play Sunless Sea because it's now in 1. Your echoes are best spent on fuel and supplies, in roughly an 8 Fuel : 5 Supply ratio using starting ship. Let's hear em' tips and tricks on how you lot make them echoes. Command & Conquer Remastered Collection. These trade routes may involve long distance travels and multiple ports before the profit is finall…Chris McMullen - 10 September 2018 Stuck for cash in Sunless Sea or Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition? Here’s how to make some quick cash. ago. —Give Pigmote Isle to the Fathomking so you can buy. In order to gain the money from killing Mt. You may be surprised how easy it is. Sell all your supplies and fuel and the book you start with. Once the house is full of heirlooms, sell them all and buy the mansion, then fill that up with heirlooms. First time Iv'e been this far. I got a Firkin of Red Honey but I can't make any money from it. I may warn you, the following ways of making money contains spoilers of the game and since SS is more a game of exploration as a game of making money you might want to skip. When your captain dies you simply move on to the next one. What's the rough chain of islands I should visit?Somehow a lot of people have a problem in making money in Sunless Sea, however making money in SS is easier as you might think. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Thanks!Most money-making guides either are very outdated, or only give 300-500 echoes profit, most of which I'll probably blow on fuel anyways. Each port you. Buy 90 Darkdrop Coffee. Use that information to know exactly where to go for the admiralty commissions/bruiser. Search your save file for reference ID number 102966. What are your goals?Also, heirlooms are mostly a "store on bank account" instead of "keep it with you" inheritance. If you like to brawl, then Dreadnought might be a better option. c:\users\username\Appdata\LocalLow\Failbetter Games\Sunless Sea\Saves (note that Appdata is hidden, just type it into the location bar). Blind Bruiser may look like an ordinary pirate but look again. *When you have saved enough, travel further and visit new islands to get. . I've found the easiest way to get money is to just file reports and do the Bruisers missions until he give you 1000 Echoes to go pick up a package. Here's the ways I've encountered to make money with some amount of efficiency: 1: Port reports.